iPad will be going on sale in less than a month now. It's available for pre-order and the more I see it, the more I end up deciding to get one for my Parents (Of course that includes some months of free usage by me before I send it over). The best thing which I found out about it is that as the apps you download is through iTunes library - your apps can be downloaded directly from there for iPad as well. This hence means that if you have an iPhone (which I plan to get in a few months - wish Mr. Jobs speaks about the mysterious OS 4.0) and get the iPad - the apps will be virtually in sync. The problem now is when I send the device over to India - what happens when I buy new apps. Of course the iTunes installations will be different and I believe it will recognize the folly. But is there a way around this?
I did my bit of research on phones - while I believe that HTC phones are way better than the iPhone and are a good device to be bought by any tech-savvy person, its not yet mature. Neither do I have enough money to have 2 phones like all those youtube posters who have bought both iPhone and Nexus One on the first day. Regardless, the only problem with HTC phones is the radiation level. While iPhone makes sure everything is way below the warning level, all major HTC phones kind of flirt with that mark. Nexus One does best among them - still its pretty high to be there in our pockets. I can't argue with what performance a 1Gz (1.5GHz coming soon, even iPad is just 1GHz) mobile processor can give you - just that I need to get rich more quickly to get going with the american way of buying things while still saving the way Indians hold onto their bank balances (Thats a gujju trait I wish I was born with).
I have an eerie feeling to hold on to my hunger for few more weeks and wait for the initial reaction by users. I know Apple does not mess up with things - so all in all its going to be awesome. But, there is no rush as I don't know anyone who is visiting my part of the country in the next few months (before I "plan" my visit in the mythical months of May & June).